2024 Gas Course: From PSC to LNG

July 2 - 4, 2024
Luanda, Angola

Click here to download the course program.

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Join the AIEN in Luanda for a course on natural gas!

The AIEN Gas Course: From PSC to LNG will cover legal, commercial and geopolitical aspects of natural gas development and sale. The course has been expanded, now including three days of classroom presentations and a group negotiation exercise, also including ample time for interaction with the faculty throughout the lectures. It is taught by oil and gas lawyers and commercial negotiators who have hands-on experience with each of the areas they will be teaching.

Topics that will be covered at this course:

  • Global Primary Energy Supply/Demand
  • Energy Outlooks: Current Policies vs Net-Zero Carbon Scenario
  • Natural Gas and Renewable Energy
  • The Natural Gas Value Chain (including a local perspective)
  • Natural Gas Issues in Granting Instruments
  • Legal and Commercial Natural Gas Aspects of Joint Operating Agreements
  • Natural Gas Pricing Theory
  • Legal and Commercial Aspects of Natural Gas Marketing
  • LNG Industry Overview
  • LNG Development Critical Success Factors
  • LNG Sale & Purchase Agreements
  • Group Negotiation Exercise

Course Faculty
Harry W. Sullivan, Jr., Assistant General Counsel, Kosmos Energy; Executive Professor, Texas A&M School of Law
Robert Lesnick, Senior Petroleum Advisor, The World Bank (retired)
Mark Manser, Vice President Business Development, bp (retired) 

Continuing Education Credits
AIEN, formerly known as AIPN, is an accredited sponsor approved by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE. A maximum of 10.50 CLE credit hours, of which 0.00 credit hours will apply to legal ethics/professional responsibility credit will be awarded based on individual attendance.